Tether Tools

Tether Tools Tiddly Bts

Tether Tools Tiddly Bts

I get to look at the dashboard for this weblog column and stare horrified at how many posts I've written. I'm surprised that I've had time to eat, sleep, or cement model airplanes together in the...
on October 26, 2020
No Dithering With Tethering

No Dithering With Tethering

Tools. Use Tether tools. Specifically use Tether Tools' Case Air Wireless magic box on the top of your camera. If you've got a Nikon or canpn camera you're going top be very pleased. What does it...
on October 20, 2020
Dancing In The Dark

Dancing In The Dark

And there is nothing on Earth that will set you dancing in the dark better than a series of cables and wires strung across a darkened photographic studio. Whether you entangle yourself with the power leads...
on June 13, 2020
Grab Bag

Grab Bag

Or perhaps that should read " Fold bag "...because that's the fun feature of this little F-Stop product. Domenic pulled it out of the Murray Street stock to show me the features on this accessory bag....
on January 02, 2020
All Trussed Up And Nowhere To Go...

All Trussed Up And Nowhere To Go...

I once tried to tether my DSLR camera to my laptop computer in my studio. It was successful, after I studied the camera manual, the camera maker's website, the internet forums, Ken Rockwell, and the entrails...
on November 08, 2017
Choosing Wisely...

Choosing Wisely...

I couldn't help being impressed by the advertising meme that was printed on the outer cover of a box in our Stirling Street shop: " You have chosen wisely...". It has just the right amount of...
on November 07, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

