studio photography

Let Adobe Tell You What To Do

Well, let's be honest with ourselves - they've been doing that since their first Photoshop program. And we've grumbled about it as we learned what their odd words and commands meant. But this time Adobe can...
on February 20, 2022
Dancing In The Dark

Dancing In The Dark

And there is nothing on Earth that will set you dancing in the dark better than a series of cables and wires strung across a darkened photographic studio. Whether you entangle yourself with the power leads...
on June 13, 2020
Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Number One

Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Number One

In my case I am shut into a studio, scale model workshop, and comfortable library with a drinks cabinet. As long as the supplies hold out, I am fine. The plan to distill liquor from potato...
on March 29, 2020
The Round Touit

The Round Touit

Cue old jokes and puns. Then cue canned laughter. Now get on with it... Looks like gaffer tape is back in stock. This is the Nashua version of it and puts an apostrophe in the name...
on November 12, 2019
Big Fujifilm In Small Package

Big Fujifilm In Small Package

I formed a very good opinion of the Fujifilm GFX 50S camera when I tried it out in my studio a year or so ago. The test shots done with a pin-up model in the style...
on February 20, 2019
For Whom Do You Work? - Part Two - Illustrators

For Whom Do You Work? - Part Two - Illustrators

Well, if the landscape shooter is outside getting cold, hot, wet, sunburnt, bitten, and sorry, what about the inside illustration person? For whom do they work? Have they special clients or are they just lurking inside...
on September 27, 2018


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

