
The Prints Of Darkness

The Prints Of Darkness

Relax - there is no occult content in this post. Or if there is, it's hidden... Photography is a word made up of two Greek terms - for light and drawing. It was what we once...
on December 06, 2022
Iso Is As ISO Does

Iso Is As ISO Does

Pardon the equipment-less nature of this post - I'm stuck at home mid-way through a Covid isolation period. I'm not sick* and the victim isn't very sick herself ( thank goodness ) but we're playing the...
on June 12, 2022
Lighten Up, People...Part One

Lighten Up, People...Part One

The burgeoning business of recording video is starting to make me look at camera stuff again - specifically lighting equipment. My first discovery was that standard room lighting is horrible. My studio has downlights that run...
on January 11, 2022
Coming Late To The Movies

Coming Late To The Movies

Coming late to the movies may seem like a social mistake, but it does have some advantages... Okay, the best seats in the place are already taken, and you may have to stumble over people in...
on October 24, 2021
When You Have...

When You Have...

No flaming idea what you are doing... There is an opportunity for either horrid disaster or brilliant success. I may have lucked myself into the second camp. I spent Sunday doing a studio shoot with a...
on October 04, 2021
On Camera Vs Off Camera Vs Round The Camera

On Camera Vs Off Camera Vs Round The Camera

A friend of mine has commenced making a series of dance videos that go out over the internet on the Instagram site. They are little video clips taken in her own studio. I hasten to add...
on September 26, 2021


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

