
The Return Of The Blob!

The Return Of The Blob!

And this time it's on the side of the good guys! B+W make camera filters and accessories -and now they have brought out help us clean our cameras and electronic equipment in ways we hadn't...
on January 19, 2023

" I'm Sorry Dave...I'm Afraid I Can't Do That. "

Well here we are, supposedly twenty years later, and some of our photographic space odysseys have become distinctively odd. None more so than the ones we start on when we open the menu for our new...
on October 19, 2021
I Need A Bigger Desk

I Need A Bigger Desk

My spare room has been many things over the last 35 years; darkroom, recording studio, model making room...and now functions as a computer room and tabletop studio. There are days when I can subsist in here...
on August 19, 2021
In Which We Firmly Grasp The Principals

In Which We Firmly Grasp The Principals

That's not a typo. Principals was what I wrote. In this case we grasp the principals of the computer design teams for Macrohard and Rutabaga - the people who decide what your next Rutabaga or Macrohard...
on July 01, 2021
Sam And Janet Evening

Sam And Janet Evening

They may see a stranger across a crowded room - and somehow they'll know, even then, that they'll be photographing them again and again. But there's a problem - Sam has been welding pipelines for years...
on June 08, 2021
For Heaven's Sake - Speak Photography!

For Heaven's Sake - Speak Photography!

So many languages to listen to today. So many internal translations going on. So many puzzling communications... If you are not the IT person in your office - or the IT person in your home -...
on March 07, 2021


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

