And this time it's on the side of the good guys!
B+W make camera filters and accessories -and now they have brought out a...errr...device...errr...accessory...err... help us clean our cameras and electronic equipment in ways we hadn't thought of before. There are jars of B+W Cyber Clean sitting quietly on the shelf of the Camera Electronic Murray Street shop - waiting to be discovered by Steve McQueen. But these are friendly blobs - you can tell by the yellow colour.
Basically these are ethanol and guar gum in a reusable form. You take it out and squish it onto anything that has been covered in dust, dirt, and bacteria, and it sticks it up and then kills the bugs. It can be pushed oozingly into places a brush can't get to and then apparently breaks free and comes off the clean surface. A useful blob, indeed.

I can see use for it on the outer surfaces of cameras ( NOT on sensors! ) and lens barrels. ( NOT on optical surfaces! ). Also on computer and other electronic devices. No more the infective keyboard at work...Phones, microphones, the TV remote, the Playstation controllers.
I also want to take a jar home and try it in my model airplane workshop. There is a stage when you are just about to use an airbrush that needs a completely clean model surface. I have been trying to get this with a meths-soaked rag but the thing leaves fibres. Cyber Clean may be the high-tech answer.
I can see me making a nuisance of myself around the family with this stuff. Why not get a jar and join in the fun? No-one can refuse you when you are making them safer and healthier.