
When Does Photographic Nostalgia Start?

When Does Photographic Nostalgia Start?

Sentimental longing for things in photography is no new thing. I suspect that people in the wet-plate era often looked back with affection to daguerreotypes. There was something about boiling mercury that just tugged at your...
on February 20, 2023
Retro Is As Retro Does

Retro Is As Retro Does

You've heard me beating the retro drum here before in respect of camera design. I've been looking at the audio side of Wanderlust in Murray Street and I've still got the drumsticks... For those readers to...
on May 10, 2022
Nikon Z-fc - Grey Day

Nikon Z-fc - Grey Day

But dry at the time I went outside the Murray Street Store. Sometimes you can luck it. The opportunity to try the new-to-me Nikon Z-fc was too good to miss, so I took the spare SD...
on May 01, 2022
Hands On Finally - The Nikon Z-fc

Hands On Finally - The Nikon Z-fc

It's been a long time since I first saw the announcements about the Nikon Z-fc camera - and since I watched Michael Phillips juggle three dummy demonstration bodies at a photo trade fair. I've looked at...
on April 28, 2022
Old Smart - New Smart

Old Smart - New Smart

And future smart. It's all good... Coming, as I do, from the dim past of the twentieth century and the legendary mists of film photography, ( Cue sound of beasts bellowing in a forest ), I...
on March 27, 2022
Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus.

Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus.

I am inclined to take things at face value if I can see their faces.I believe in new equipment when I see it in the hands of our local wholesaler's representatives and when I can find...
on February 01, 2022


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