
If You Wish To Hire A Graphic Designer

If You Wish To Hire A Graphic Designer

Don't hire me. I love colour and am a menace with a watercolour paint set. Nothing is safe. But there are those to whom art and taste come naturally, and they may well be employed by...
on October 23, 2022
Soberly Dressed

Soberly Dressed

And of serious mien. The professional and dignified approach to photographic equipment. Conservative. Black. Dull. Ahem... Why? For years I read that black cameras were more professional than silver cameras. They were apparently all of the...
on August 28, 2022
Sam And Janet Evening

Sam And Janet Evening

They may see a stranger across a crowded room - and somehow they'll know, even then, that they'll be photographing them again and again. But there's a problem - Sam has been welding pipelines for years...
on June 08, 2021
The Colour Of Photographers

The Colour Of Photographers

Military colouring used to be a lot of fun - If you were English you got a red coat and if you were French you got red pants. If you were German you got a red...
on January 24, 2021
Have You Ever Watched Cantonese Costume Drama?

Have You Ever Watched Cantonese Costume Drama?

It’s on our television right now. The Lockdown Girls are bingeing themselves on demons, gods, empresses, and subtitled love stories. I’m off in the corner typing this. The cat is quiet and asleep - a pleasant...
on May 12, 2020
Curing A Hardened Heart

Curing A Hardened Heart

There are several well-documented ways of curing a hardened heart: Read Emily Dickenson poems and weep silently. Read " The Pickwick Papers " by Dickens and laugh out loud. Triple bypass surgery. Buy a colourful camera....
on December 10, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

