
Tether Tools Tiddly Bts

Tether Tools Tiddly Bts

I get to look at the dashboard for this weblog column and stare horrified at how many posts I've written. I'm surprised that I've had time to eat, sleep, or cement model airplanes together in the...
on October 26, 2020
Shutterbugs Or Shock Jocks - Howard And Saul Hit the Big Time!

Shutterbugs Or Shock Jocks - Howard And Saul Hit the Big Time!

Well don't touch that dial, Folks. The wireless just got a lot more fun! This is the message for our eastern states listeners who will be tuning into John Stanley on the Macquarie radio network fortnightly...
on September 24, 2019
i160A  - The Low Down Flashgun

i160A - The Low Down Flashgun

I am amused these days when every product or service I see is preceded by the letter "i " in lower case. It is put there to suggest that the object is considered to be intelligent....
on April 24, 2019
The Complex Strobist

The Complex Strobist

The term " Strobist " was all the rage a few years back - it was applied to people who use small electronic flash units to light their fieldwork. It started out small, then got quite...
on March 05, 2019
Bid Farewell To The Complex Life

Bid Farewell To The Complex Life

No, I am not advocating a return to the simple life of our peasant ancestors; I've seen what cows can do in a paddock. I am asking you to give up the complexities of internet webs...
on March 03, 2019

The Fujifilm Flash Comes Of Age

If you are opposed to the use of electronic flash in any form for your photography - for artistic, technical, or cultural reasons, this will be a thin week.If you are dedicated to a camera system...
on March 26, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

