Shoot Photography Workshops

Are We Ready For A New Screen?

Are We Ready For A New Screen?

Are you sitting there like me while you are reading this*...looking at the screen of an all-in-one desktop computer? Or a laptop? Or an iPad? Or a mobile phone? Or a Dick Tracy Video Watch with...
on August 02, 2018
For Whom Do You Work? - Part One - Outdoors

For Whom Do You Work? - Part One - Outdoors

That's a very good question for any photographer to ask themselves - for whom do they work? I sometimes wonder if some of the people toting cameras have asked themselves that - and if the answers...
on July 31, 2018

Smart Enough To Be Dumb

Way back in the 1960's I bought a book in a secondhand bookstore in Spokane, Washington, that was made up of Kodak pamphlets. These were loose-leaf style instructional treatises that explained how to use the Kodak...
on March 16, 2017

Selling Your Birthright For A Mess Of Cottage (Pie) - Food Photography

Well, it's not as bad as all that - and not as biblical either. But you might like to study the picture in the header and then read on.We bought the frozen cottage pie from our...
on November 20, 2016

Sikorski Never Had It So Good - The New CE Drone Cabinet

Look up. What's that flying by? A bird? A plane? A man dressed in red and blue tights?No, it's a DJI drone with a camera mounted on it. Someone is making an epic movie and they've...
on November 14, 2016

Freeing The Bird From The Nest

Awwww. that sounds so romantic, doesn't it. This should be a meme on Facebook with tiny bluebirds and hearts...instead of a camera shop blog trying to sell you stuff. Well consider the following.The German, Japanese, or...
on September 13, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

