Film Photography

The Red Blanket

The Red Blanket

The Ruby Glass windowpane. The sooty red oil lamp. In short, the enchanted lantern of little light that has barely illuminated the photographer's cave since the earliest days. The dim signal that chemical magic was afoot....
on May 17, 2022
Scanning and Printing From The Comfort Of Home

Scanning and Printing From The Comfort Of Home

If you’re looking for the ideal home photography project, look no further than scanning and printing from the comfort of your own home. If you’ve been at the game long enough or are new to film...
on August 22, 2021
Shooting Film Now - The Analog Line

Shooting Film Now - The Analog Line

Our marketing manager, Jennifer, came up with a good suggestion for me - that I should use my experience to teach people how to shoot film today. But the thought of subjecting a roomful of victims...
on March 21, 2019
I Have A Little List...

I Have A Little List...

Otherwise known as The Menu Blues. Every digital camera has a menu. It is generally accessed with a button on the back of the camera, although on the Flapoflex Digital Royale Special you wake the camera...
on June 14, 2017
20 Square Inches Of Trouble - Sheet Film

20 Square Inches Of Trouble - Sheet Film

No apologies for the inches, children. It is what the adults use to measure photographic surfaces. Even if we do give in to buying inkjet paper in A4, A3 and A2 sizes, we still get boxes...
on April 30, 2017
Camera Electronic Endorse New Camera From Flapoflex

Camera Electronic Endorse New Camera From Flapoflex

The biggest news this season is the industry-shaking announcement of the team-up of Camera Electronic with Flapoflex Corporation...and the introduction of the Flapoflex Mini camera. Here are the first images of the camera after it was...
on April 25, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

