
The Red Blanket

The Red Blanket

The Ruby Glass windowpane. The sooty red oil lamp. In short, the enchanted lantern of little light that has barely illuminated the photographer's cave since the earliest days. The dim signal that chemical magic was afoot....
on May 17, 2022
Getting To See The Picture

Getting To See The Picture

And a big picture at that. Newbie, you are not so new as before. You went through the entire process of buying film, loading it, taking pictures with it, and developing it. You have a black...
on April 03, 2022
The Terrors Of The Darkroom

The Terrors Of The Darkroom

I have headed this column with a bug-eyed monster looming out of the darkness...but do not worry - he is still in there trying to load a 72-exposure roll of film onto a stainless steel reel,...
on July 27, 2021
Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

And for those who follow Game Of Darkrooms, you'll know what this means; cold bathrooms, cold laundries, and cold darkrooms. Harder to keep processing solutions to recommended temperatures - slower processing times. Cold, stiff fingers. Family...
on April 21, 2019
The Analog Line - Part Five - Howchester

The Analog Line - Part Five - Howchester

How you do anything has a great deal to do with the supplies you have available. Analog photography is no exception - and these days unfortunately the machinery and raw materials are getting scarcer. At this...
on April 18, 2019
A Ramble Through the Chemical Side

A Ramble Through the Chemical Side

We're lucky at Camera Electronic - we still have ties to the chemical side of photography. Unlike so many stores that have embraced digiatalisation, we find that it pays to remember the older analog processes. There...
on July 09, 2018


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

