
" What It Says On The Tin "

My new favourite saying from Matt Ball to describe products that deliver every time. As I am determined to write more from experience than imagination in the future ( my imagination having given out after seeing...
on August 08, 2022
The Red Blanket

The Red Blanket

The Ruby Glass windowpane. The sooty red oil lamp. In short, the enchanted lantern of little light that has barely illuminated the photographer's cave since the earliest days. The dim signal that chemical magic was afoot....
on May 17, 2022
How Flat Is Your Screen?

How Flat Is Your Screen?

If it's like my computer screen, pretty darn flat. The same applies to the EIZO monitors that Camera Electronic sells - wonderfully professional display devices that are far more accurate that the eyes that peer into...
on April 10, 2022
The Paper Work

The Paper Work

You all know the joke about the job not being finished until the paper work is completed. Laugh it up, but then go back to your desk and start making an Excel spreadsheet of 500 items....
on August 17, 2021
Down The YouTubes

Down The YouTubes

And round the S-bend. Welcome to the wonderful world of minefields. You are a click away from one... I did not come to this conclusion with my own material. The stuff I write for CE is...
on July 08, 2021
The Simplest Designs...

The Simplest Designs...

Have the simplest errors. You can make a minimalist mess very economically. A few examples... a. I use an Epson flatbed scanner - a V 700 model. You can buy V 800 or 900 ones right...
on May 04, 2021


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

