
The Borders Of New Lands

The Borders Of New Lands

Crossing borders and exploring new lands is not such an easy thing these days - even the mention of it can cause pain and dissension. And I'm pretty well staying put myself for now - but...
on June 09, 2022
They No Lie

They No Lie

They Tell Truth. Truth hurt, but still truth. The honest fellows I refer to are Chris Lee from the pal2tech YouTube site and Omar Gonzalez from Omar Gonzalez Photography - also on YouTube. I tune into...
on April 20, 2022
Down The YouTubes

Down The YouTubes

And round the S-bend. Welcome to the wonderful world of minefields. You are a click away from one... I did not come to this conclusion with my own material. The stuff I write for CE is...
on July 08, 2021
On YouTube...

On YouTube...

A. If you do YouTube right, no-one is looking at your camera. They are looking through it. That doesn't mean you have license to use a dusty video relic that you found in the back of...
on May 17, 2020
Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part One

Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part One

It seems that everything we see these days on the computer screen is taken with a mobile phone. This was not the case in the 1950's. Many people in Australia were still connected to land lines...
on January 27, 2018


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