
Down The YouTubes

Down The YouTubes

And round the S-bend. Welcome to the wonderful world of minefields. You are a click away from one... I did not come to this conclusion with my own material. The stuff I write for CE is...
on July 08, 2021


I am grateful to Camera Electronic in general and Daniel Ward in particular for their ability to get me out of trouble. It is a condition I experience frequently as I operate photographic machinery. It's as...
on May 11, 2021
Test Your Legs

Test Your Legs

And be prepared to be horrified. I say this having been told of some of the things that tripods do by the repairman in our shop. He has a set of tales that would have Stephen...
on May 06, 2021
The Opposite Of Having Fun Is Having Not Fun

The Opposite Of Having Fun Is Having Not Fun

It's Also known as Not Working. And you'll encounter this all through your digital photographic experience. You also encountered it all through your analog time too, but to a greater extent. You could fall down the...
on August 20, 2020
Send It Back, Take It Back, Put It Back...

Send It Back, Take It Back, Put It Back...

I read several photography columns daily, and to my credit, I rarely steal ideas from them. This is not from fear of prosecution, but from the fact that so many of them feature things in which...
on June 11, 2020
How Do You Make A Camera Technician Laugh?

How Do You Make A Camera Technician Laugh?

Well, it's a good start when you bring your equipment in to be cleaned and repaired and you don't bother to put the front, back, or body caps on. That'll get a smile. When he finds...
on July 16, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.


