real estate

I Never Knew I Needed One...

I Never Knew I Needed One...

But then there are a lot of things I did not know until this year: a. How happy I could be to be healthy. Reading the news is no fun any more - bank robberies and...
on November 29, 2020
For Whom Do You Work - Part Three - Building  Lines

For Whom Do You Work - Part Three - Building Lines

I've met photographers who have changed their entire systems when a competitor came out with a camera that had a higher shutter speed. However this was achieved - mechanically or electronically - it was the primary...
on October 31, 2018
Apples To Oranges - It Gets Juicy...

Apples To Oranges - It Gets Juicy...

Having been taken to task by a reader when he felt I had compared apples to oranges in a week’s posting on Sony cameras, I am going to be careful with this one - I wish...
on May 04, 2017

Turning Amateur - Part One

Every working or professional photographer I have talked to - from the lowly international Magnum superstars to the most famous of the Santa Photos shooters in Boise, Idaho - secretly nurtures one supreme aspiration. They have...
on June 12, 2016

A House Is Not A Home

Polly Adler was right for many reasons...not the least of which concerns the business of real estate photography. Her houses may have attracted more police interest than the average set of units in City Beach, but...
on September 21, 2015

Hold High The Stainless Banner - With The Mega mast

It must not suffer loss.*Well, if you have been hankering for a drone to take elevated pictures of architecture, crowd scenes, landscapes, real estate, secret military installations, or the nurse's quarters...and the price and skill level...
on February 19, 2015


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

