It must not suffer loss.*
Well, if you have been hankering for a drone to take elevated pictures of architecture, crowd scenes, landscapes, real estate, secret military installations, or the nurse's quarters...and the price and skill level need to get into drone flying has deterred is the answer.
Over 8 metres of mast with an extended tripod base, locking sections, and a strong tilting head at the top. Folds down light and small enough to be transported in a car, and holds a DSLR - if you're game. that tilting head is reminiscent of a Manfrotto 234 RC2 monopod head.
Okay, I can see someone using a mirror less camera on this, with a down link to an iPad or mobile phone for sighting and firing it. While this would relieve some of the weight from the top at 8+ metres, the action cameras like the GoPros would be even lighter.
All the same, were it me, I would:
1. Always operate with the leg extensions locked out, and sandbags on all three legs.
2. Attach two guy ropes onto the top of the column before I sent it up - and have a couple of smart people on the ends of the ropes. Position them at 60º apart on the up-wind sector of the mast and make sure they pay out the ropes carefully. It would mean the assembly could be controlled even in the event of a sudden wind gust.
3. Check my insurance policy carefully. Anything that can drop on expensive property or cheap people is a worry.
* And a plate of collard greens and biscuits and gravy for the reader who identifies the source of the lyrics...