
Yer Camel's Safe, Mack...

Yer Camel's Safe, Mack...

This straw ain't breakin' nobody's back. Travel need not be overseas to be tiring. You can get pooped out here at home when you just go see the local sights - particularly if you are a...
on September 08, 2022
The Café Broadcaster

The Café Broadcaster

If, like me, you are always seen in the best cafés and restaurants with the most beautiful people showing off your fabulous'll want one of these. The complete phone rig. The heading image, No. 1,...
on September 06, 2022
It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without Steadepod

It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without Steadepod

You can keep your turkey and mistletoe. You can keep your carollers and eggnog. I only recognise it as Christmas when the Steadepods come out on the shelf. The Steadepod camera support has been a staple...
on December 18, 2021
Head Scratchin' Time

Head Scratchin' Time

As I go around the various premises of Camera Electronic ( and that's a statement in itself...three shops!) I depend upon my scalp to help out. You see I am looking for things to write about....
on April 01, 2021
I Never Knew I Needed One...

I Never Knew I Needed One...

But then there are a lot of things I did not know until this year: a. How happy I could be to be healthy. Reading the news is no fun any more - bank robberies and...
on November 29, 2020
Lust You Can Admit To In Public

Lust You Can Admit To In Public

You want to be careful when you reveal your lusts in public. There are people writing these things down and storing the information away. You never can tell when you might become famous and then they'll...
on November 26, 2020


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

