zoom lens

Yet Another Temptation Taunting Me

Yet Another Temptation Taunting Me

And I am, in turn, doing it to you. Just as well we don't live in the main county town of Somerset and drive a German Ford sedan because that would be a case of Taunus...
on August 29, 2017
The Search For The Perfect Camera...

The Search For The Perfect Camera...

And I hope I never find it... No, don't be discouraged - the subject of the review for the next couple of days is coming pretty close to the mark for a number of reasons. Bear...
on August 20, 2017
The Second Day - The Second Thoughts

The Second Day - The Second Thoughts

Armed with my trusty Fujifilm X-Pro 1 and equally trusty 18-135mm f:3.5-5.6 zoom lens, I visited the hot rod show again on their second day of operation. It was in the spirit of scientific enquiry, as...
on June 21, 2017
The Car Barn

The Car Barn

I'm really doing the Royal Show people a disservice with that title. The Silver Pavilion and the Robinson Pavilion are far nicer than barns - even if they do sometimes have animals on display there. Or...
on June 19, 2017
The One Ring

The One Ring

I do not intend to rule the world, or bother going to see any more of the Tolkein movies for that matter, but the idea of one lens to take all my pictures is a rather...
on June 19, 2017
The Trial Run Is Up And Away

The Trial Run Is Up And Away

I have never used this lens before - any experiences I have with it are going to be new. Whether they will be rewarding or not depends on a number of factors: The job in hand....
on June 18, 2017


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