Micro 4/3

Getting In On The Basement

Getting In On The Basement

That's even better than getting in on the ground floor - as long as the basement isn't flooded or over-run with rats. How did this thought arise? I spoke to a staff member yesterday at Stirling...
on January 12, 2023
A Star By A New Name

A Star By A New Name

I asked a delicate question of the OM System representative at the start of a recent camera night; Should I mention the name Olympus in this post? He said " yes ". The new products from...
on November 10, 2022
And Now Something For The Short-Sighted

And Now Something For The Short-Sighted

Relax. No need to bristle up at that heading. I'm one of the short-sighted myself...in more ways than one. Firstly I wear spectacles to correct vision, secondly, I love shooting close-ups and macro subjects, and thirdly,...
on August 16, 2022
Whaddaya Got?

Whaddaya Got?

" Whaddaya got that's new or unusual or cheap or expensive that I can write about? " That's my standard question for Camera Electronic staff in the three shops when I arrive with my portable product...
on June 02, 2022
Panasonic Pro Video Gets Smaller

Panasonic Pro Video Gets Smaller

All the time, getting better... My forays this past year into video capture have left me with the impression that the best cinematographers are probably octopi or squid. Possibly spiders - in any case it needs...
on May 05, 2022
New For 2017...Test Drive it Now...

New For 2017...Test Drive it Now...

If you were able to buy a 2017 motor car from a dealer right now - a car that had been introduced that year but was sitting - unused- on the dealer's floor today - would...
on June 01, 2021


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

