
Tis A Gift To Be Simple...

Tis A Gift To Be Simple...

And 'tis more of a gift if you don't have to shake as you do it...And if you can come down where you ought to be. Particularly if you are a photographer. Sure, there are a...
on January 25, 2022
Gitzo Is A Poor Man's...

Gitzo Is A Poor Man's...

Um, wait a minute...Gitzo isn't a poor man's anything. In fact, it's quite the opposite...poor's got nothing to do with it. I can speak from experience. I have a Gitzo tripod in my studio. It is...
on January 06, 2022
How About A Little Support, Then...?

How About A Little Support, Then...?

And when better than at Christmas time. If we need a family picture with all of us in it - and not missing the photographer yet again - we need a helping hand. Or three helping...
on December 20, 2021
Batting 1.000 - Manfrotto To The Fore

Batting 1.000 - Manfrotto To The Fore

If you follow baseball you know that a batting average above .300 is considered a sterling achievement, and over .400 nearly impossible. Yet I know a photo firm that bats 1.000. Not every retailer, I hasten...
on November 01, 2021
Stand By Me

Stand By Me

You may recall the movie or the song, but remember that every studio needs stands. Camera Stands, light stands, hot dog stands. ( well photography makes you hungry. ) General Custer used to make stands, but...
on October 14, 2021
Clip, Push, Twist, And Click

Clip, Push, Twist, And Click

A guide to the newest idea for tripod legs. And not just for tripods - The Manfrotto people have come up with something for the monopod and video rig users as well. That's Sgt. Sharma at...
on August 10, 2021


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