
Put Your Money Down And Go Away - Gitzo

Put Your Money Down And Go Away - Gitzo

I am not being rude to either you or Gitzo. When you give them money and they hand you a product it may be the last time you see each other. The things they supply are...
on May 25, 2021
Test Your Legs

Test Your Legs

And be prepared to be horrified. I say this having been told of some of the things that tripods do by the repairman in our shop. He has a set of tales that would have Stephen...
on May 06, 2021
Feel My Leg...

Feel My Leg...

No really. Go ahead. I won't scream. Because if you feel it and it seems loose, I can tighten it. The maker of my photo tripod included a natty little Allen spanner that can firm up...
on August 13, 2020
When Isn't A Wimberley?

When Isn't A Wimberley?

Sorry about the tortured English of the title - late night and too much coffee. What I really meant to say is " Here is a tracking gimbal mount for a very large telephoto lens that...
on July 05, 2020
Mounting Evidence From Sirui

Mounting Evidence From Sirui

No surprise that Sirui Optical is a Guangdong company - the products they turn out are excellently made - but it was interesting to google up their main site and see that they've been putting things...
on December 26, 2019
There Are Only So Many Things You Can Do WIth A...

There Are Only So Many Things You Can Do WIth A...

a. Camera. In the end it can only do two things - sit inert or take pictures. Most cameras make good paperweights and in the old days several of them made fine doorstops. It is when...
on December 24, 2019


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