And when better than at Christmas time. If we need a family picture with all of us in it - and not missing the photographer yet again - we need a helping hand.
Or three helping legs, as it happens. The Christmas dinner table can support more than the turkey and salad - it can hold up a table tripod. If you have a good big tripod that you use for studio shots, wildflowers, or landscape shots by all means take it to the family gathering and set your camera up on it. Activate the 10-second self timer and run round to your place at the edge of the family group for the photo. No matter how bad you look, it will be a precious memory.
That's if it is in focus and no-one moves. If it is a technical failure big-time, you have a problem. Not only is it a memory lost, but you lost, the big-deal family photographer.
Ensure that you are not laughed at more than absolutely necessary by giving the rellies good results. Use a small tripod to support the camera and let it do its best. Here are a number of Christmas tripods to either hint for or buy yourself:
a. If it is going to be a phone shot, at least make it a good one. Joby make a number of Gorilla supports that will clamp the wretched phone to something and allow you time to get round in front of it. You can clamp a tablet as well with the larger versions, but your family may not be patient enough for you to set it all up. Once the shot is taken and sent round the wworld, put the phone away and be sociable.

b. Go stylish with a small white
Manfrotto Pixi Evo. It is a two-section pod with multi-position locking legs and a surprisingly large ball head. All the usual features - two position legs as well.

Or you can go with the
smaller Pixi Mini in black.

c. The technical favourite - Carlos' baby - the Leofoto pocket tripod. I must say this looks the best as well, though I own several other types. Two position leg and a precisely-engineered small ball head. The Arca- Swiss clamp sells it to me.

And last, but not least is the travelling carbon fibre Gitzo. Ultimate for compactness and light weight. It supports a considerable weight and costs a similar price.

Heading image: it's hot weather and the Edelkrone solo stand isn't about to move...