Light stand

A Great Deal In A Small Compass

A Great Deal In A Small Compass

The Muraro " Heavy Compact Small Stand " looked like a pretty simple box to bring home. It was sealed and I expected to find a Manfrotto look-alike inside - Boy, was I surprised. To give...
on September 12, 2017
A New M Enters The Studio - From Italy

A New M Enters The Studio - From Italy

We all know about the big M from Italy - the Manfrotto company. They have been making professional lighting and camera support gear for decades and are the mainstay of studios from here to...well, to Milano,...
on September 10, 2017

Autopoling Is Not Against The Law

Well, not against Australian law, anyway - it does, however, defy gravity. And thereupon hangs a tale.Actually thereupon hangs a lot of stuff. Manfrotto Autopoles seem to have been around since the 1950's and have been...
on November 05, 2015

New Strobist Stand From Manfrotto - Stroll On, Squire

The strobists amongst us will always value lightness, versatility, and simplicity. Right up until we decide to buy a new camera system - at which time we will want the latest model with the hydraulic stabilisers...
on September 02, 2015

Home Built Or Shop Bought?

I've just been asked whether it is better to buy things from the shop or make them yourself. At the risk of giving the management asthma attacks, I have to say yes and no.Yes, it is...
on August 27, 2015

Stack 'Em, Danno...With Manfrotto

I used to look at some of the Manfrotto equipment from the 1980's and wonder if they were drinking at lunchtime. It was sturdy, well-built, angular, black, and heavy. Some things really caught your eye, like...
on October 03, 2012


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