
Heads Up Display

Heads Up Display

If you've ever looked at a gun sight in a modern fighter aircraft you'll probably have seen some form of HUD - Heads Up Display. It is a design that allows the pilot to aim his...
on May 14, 2019
A Modest Product For A Modest Market

A Modest Product For A Modest Market

Picture taking can be pursued by many different people by many different means - but it is sometimes forgotten that it need not be done at 2000psi with lightning bolts shooting out of the equipment nor...
on March 10, 2019
Cool Pocket

Cool Pocket

The Coolpix model name was a brilliant piece of branding by Nikon - if there was ever any word that would work on the mind of the young and hip, it was that. This camera lives...
on October 01, 2018
Oh For Heaven's Sake, Somebody Take Off...

Oh For Heaven's Sake, Somebody Take Off...

Yes, the weather. The wind. The piddly showers. No-one wanted to pull barrel rolls, stalls, or 9G turns in front of me when I had the new Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera at the airport viewing platforms....
on September 18, 2018
The Photo Schutzen

The Photo Schutzen

Let's start the day off right - peering at people from a long distance away and then pressing buttons. When I got the message from Saul that the new Nikon Coolpix P1000 was on the storeroom...
on September 16, 2018

The Bridge Is Now A Snap

Remember the old days when the connection between you taking pictures and you seeing them was a chemist shop and a week's wait? Well, you can restrict your visit to the chemist's to buying overpriced vitamins...
on December 11, 2016


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