Picture taking can be pursued by many different people by many different means - but it is sometimes forgotten that it need not be done at 2000psi with lightning bolts shooting out of the equipment nor blood spurting out of the photographer. There are smaller and calmer circumstances.
The lovely blue camera seen in the heading image - the Nikon Coolpix W100 - would be suitable for just this sort of quieter time. It must be said, however, that this camera can indeed stand a great deal - the W in the title indicates that it is to a great extent waterproof.
The 13.2 megapixel resolution on a small sensor and the 3X zoom are modest by today's tech standards, as is the HD video capture, but the sealed ease of use found with this camera is the real secret to its success. There's three buttons on the top; off/on, still shot, and video start/stop. Hold it steady and just press and you'll get a picture - you can safely hand it to the children of the family and get it back still working.

As it is waterproof to 10 metres, you can easily risk it at the beach for holidays. You can also risk it in a purse or pocket without having it fall prey to dust and swarf.
It also doesn't intimidate your subject - the small size, smooth contours and bright blue colour remove the professional snooper look of many cameras. You can still snoop but you look harmless while you do it.
It does run on a rechargeable battery so in that respect it's a normal digital camera.
Too simple for you? Look at the other Nikon waterproof underwater and adventure cameras. And try our next Nikon offering tomorrow...