
Wet Suit

Wet Suit

Camera Electronic knows some pretty interesting people - and if you come along to our shop for the evening talks you'll get to meet them. Monday night brought us Russell Ord - and he brought us...
on September 19, 2022
Buy A Stalker

Buy A Stalker

If you are a person who has no friends you may be very sad. You cannot get anyone to go out to dinner or the movies with you and when it comes time to show off...
on May 12, 2019
Sirix - Plastic Never Dies

Sirix - Plastic Never Dies

Okay, that's hooey. Plastic dies regularly - just when you need it most. It explodes into shards and falls to the ground. Witness plastic cutlery and dinner plates. But plastic design never does - and we've...
on January 08, 2019
2019 Nikon Surf Photo And Video Of The Year Awards

2019 Nikon Surf Photo And Video Of The Year Awards

Entries are now open for the 2019 Nikon Surf Photo and Video of the Year Awards Calling all photographers and videographers — show us what you’ve got! In partnership with Surfing Australia, the Nikon Surf Photo...
on December 19, 2018
The Photo Schutzen

The Photo Schutzen

Let's start the day off right - peering at people from a long distance away and then pressing buttons. When I got the message from Saul that the new Nikon Coolpix P1000 was on the storeroom...
on September 16, 2018

The Long Lens Inside - The Saga Of The Fujifilm Continues

If you read most of the photographic press that deals with interchangeable lenses for DSLR and mirror-less cameras you'll see much the same recommendations about choices. It's not conspiracy - it's sensible agreement. Being photographers we...
on January 23, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

