The Little Guys Get To Play Too - With Lee Filters

on May 01, 2013

We've been selling Lee filters for years to professional and advanced enthusiast photographers. They value them for the clarity of the filter - no colour casts - and for the sturdiness of the holder system. They can get some filters that are unique. And they can adapt them to some very strange lenses...albeit in some very strange ways.

Okay - up to now I have only known about their big range - lo and behold we now have some of their Seven Five product in store. It seems to be a miniaturised version of the larger filter holder and of the graduated neutral density filters.

The principle of the thing is the same - a dedicated adaptor ring for the front of your lens, a holder clamped onto it, and the neutral density filter sliding up and down in the holder. But in the new small size, it can go onto mirrorless and micro 4/3 cameras.

The astute photo enthusiasts will realise that this might free them from having to take a large DSLR on a long trek into the bush for a landscape photo just to make use of an ND grad system. Now they can take their Panasonic, Olympus, Nikon, Canon, or Fuji and pack it into a very much smaller space.

Those who still wish to take larger gear are recommended to contemplate a 4 x 5 monorail outfit with full compendium up the side of Bluff Knoll in a rainstorm...

Note from the pack shots that there is a starter kit with one ND grad and also a three pack of different strength filters. They are all small enough so as to justify carrying the lot on your next venture - local or overseas.


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