
A Phone In The Hand...

A Phone In The Hand...

Is worth two in the pocket. A phone on a video rig is worth three just held out at arm's length! But before we begin: A regular reader of this column has asked why I seem...
on February 06, 2018
Products For the Season-Of-Relativity - Part Two

Products For the Season-Of-Relativity - Part Two

A recent meme on Facebook asked the difference between in-laws and outlaws. Apparently outlaws are wanted... I hesitated to repeat this around home as I preferred my head on my shoulders. But it did serve to...
on February 06, 2018
Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part Two

Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part Two

The great thing about the photographic trade is that it is so diverse and inventive - if a need is identified - or just created - there are a number of manufacturers who will leap up...
on January 28, 2018
Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part One

Getting A Grip On Virtuality - Part One

It seems that everything we see these days on the computer screen is taken with a mobile phone. This was not the case in the 1950's. Many people in Australia were still connected to land lines...
on January 27, 2018
Sony Smart Things

Sony Smart Things

I have been accused of being too narrow in my focus upon photographic equipment - basing my coverage upon my own prejudices. This is hurtful. The Flapoflex digital wet-plate camera is, and has always been, the...
on December 31, 2017
The Sounds Of Good Buy

The Sounds Of Good Buy

Don't be sad, Kamahl. You may be lonesome but doesn't mean to say that you have to have distorted music. I discovered these headphones in the video cabinet at Stirling Street while reviewing rigs for adding...
on November 22, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

