
Welcome To The Adventurers

Welcome To The Adventurers

I hope Fujifilm Australia will forgive me for pinching one of their internet images to accompany this post. I do not have a Fujifilm X-Pro2 camera to hand to illustrate it and my older X-Pro1 model...
on January 05, 2020
The Poor Man's...

The Poor Man's...

Wait a minute...what the heck. That's a bad way to start a column about a good product. And it's not an accurate way to do anything. Likening something to another product by saying that it's a...
on August 29, 2019
It Takes No More Time...

It Takes No More Time...

It takes no more time to physically walk around a medium format camera than it does a smaller 24 x 36 or APS-DC one, but the mechanical designers of many different brands would have you pause,...
on February 21, 2019
Shoot At Me - Shoot At You - Nikon In Battle

Shoot At Me - Shoot At You - Nikon In Battle

Nobody ever shot at me with live rounds. Blanks, yes, but no lead. I never returned the compliment either, but had I been in the position to do so, I think I would have chosen a...
on August 20, 2018
The 50's Mirrorless - Nikon In The Age Of Metal

The 50's Mirrorless - Nikon In The Age Of Metal

Walk round with me as we inspect the Nikon mirror-less camera...of the 1950's. Do not be afraid to touch it - it won't bite. But be careful of the edges because they are metal and sharp...
on August 14, 2018
Welcome Back, Leica.

Welcome Back, Leica.

Welcome back, Leica. " What? How can we be back? We've never been away. " Well, you have gone to visit some places that Oskar never thought you'd go... " Such as? " Well... And then...
on December 03, 2017


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