
If I Had A Little Photograph Of You...

If I Had A Little Photograph Of You...

And suppose it was the only photograph I had - of you or anyone else. The first photographs were such marvels that they set the civilised world - France, Germany, the United States - ablaze with...
on September 27, 2021
Music To Photograph Girls By

Music To Photograph Girls By

I'm afraid when I wrote that title I had a flashback to an Austin Powers movie; pelting about with a motor-driven Nikon F, dressed in a blue velvet jacket. Then I told myself to behave... I...
on September 23, 2021
The Photography Face Mask

The Photography Face Mask

Love 'em or hate 'em, face masks are a feature of the brave new world...even for those of us who are cowardly, old, and reclusive. I thought I'd done with them when I hung up the...
on May 02, 2021
Selfies Lie

Selfies Lie

And they lie shamelessly. Sometimes it does good and sometimes it does bad. Let me explain... When you take a selfie - the portrait at the end of your arm - you are asking a telephone...
on July 23, 2020
Broader Shoulders, Deeper Chest

Broader Shoulders, Deeper Chest

The heading image is not manipulated, apart from increasing contrast and dropping tones to give a silhouette. It shows the newest of the Olympus micro 4/3 mirror-less cameras alongside a workshop example of my first digital...
on March 07, 2019
One Lens Per Year - Part Four - Stand Off

One Lens Per Year - Part Four - Stand Off

I rarely enquire into other people's relationships - they are none of my business. Some photographers feel the same way about taking other people's images - they never approach closely. This is neither a good thing...
on December 20, 2017


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