Peak Design

A Modern Point Of View

A Modern Point Of View

I have sometimes been accused of being old-fashioned and taking an outdated point of view. I do not grow angry at this - I merely take out my buggy whip and thrash the critic. I like...
on June 30, 2020
The Bag Garage

The Bag Garage

We normally don't promote a manufacturer's range of products with a picture of someone else's goods in the same advertisement - it certainly wasn't done in the golden age of Madison Avenue. They might have hinted...
on March 03, 2020
Good Idea Or Knot?

Good Idea Or Knot?

Let the readers decide for themselves. My jury is still out on this one, and they went out about 7 years ago. The foreman just keeps asking for coffee and pizza. The judge is getting impatient....
on January 14, 2020
Photography With The Cubists

Photography With The Cubists

No, we didn't hire Mr Metzinger to paint our heading image - his " Oiseau Bleu " is from 1913 and that's a bit before CE's time. But we do have some cubes of our own...
on August 21, 2019
Have I Got The Right Bag? - With Peak Design

Have I Got The Right Bag? - With Peak Design

Note: We back. The electronic mice have been removed from the wainscotting. The posts that vanished into the aether have returned and you'll be able to see them. Bad luck, eh? Let's face it, if the...
on August 20, 2019
Plates Release Me - Let Me Go

Plates Release Me - Let Me Go

For I don't lurve you anymore... Now that we've driven earworm song lyrics into your mind for the day, consider the problem faced by serious shooters over the last few years when the question of a...
on February 25, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.


