
I Defeated The Weather Bureau

I Defeated The Weather Bureau

I sound too boastful - I defeated it only by one day. It doesn't pay to be lazy when the sun is out in winter - you only get small windows of possibility. The student flyers...
on August 22, 2018
When Olympus Get it Right

When Olympus Get it Right

You might be wondering if I was going to pair the title with a lead line that implied there are times when they get it wrong. Relax - nothing of the sort. I am in a...
on August 21, 2018

" My Lens Is Only A Kit Lens So They Say I Need Another One..."

Hmmmm. Let's think about this for a bit. Your nose. That one there between your eyes. The one with the spectacles perched on it. Have a feel of it...on the outside, please... Is it firmly attached?...
on July 12, 2018
Go Find The Hammer

Go Find The Hammer

Once you find it, go get the piggy bank and the cookie jar. Bash them into fragments, collect the saved-up money inside, and head to Camera Electronic today. They've got a special deal on the Olympus...
on April 19, 2018
Breakfast With Camera

Breakfast With Camera

How many times do we forget that pictures are all about us? What can we do to jog our memories? I was recently the guest of Mike and Jo at the Hope Farm guesthouse in York...
on March 27, 2018
Groan. More Toy Cars. But This Time With A New Camera. And A New Trick!

Groan. More Toy Cars. But This Time With A New Camera. And A New Trick!

The camera is an excuse to get out the toy cars and the toy cars are an excuse to get out the camera. It is probably the same with you - substituting landscapes or sports or...
on September 26, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

