new equipment

Why Buy Older Gear?

Why Buy Older Gear?

This is a question I was asked at a hobby club when I was seen using an older camera. It was doing the job brilliantly, but when the questioner learned that the design is some 9...
on October 16, 2021
When Drifting In The Doldrums...

When Drifting In The Doldrums...

Every so often the winds of change drop upon the great Ocean Of Photography and the trade seems to float bobbing and becalmed. It is a challenging time for writers, and we have to draw upon...
on November 17, 2018
Chocolate, Minnie?

Chocolate, Minnie?

I mentioned my Aunt Minnie and her habit of seeing into every shop downtown - on every trading day. That was quite true, but her circumstances were different from those in the retail camera trade in...
on August 20, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

