battery chargers

Small Pocket

Small Pocket

The days of the good old compact camera are numbered, they tell me - but then they have told me that you can't get film any more and we have fridges full of fresh stocks of...
on October 02, 2018
The Alternative Solutions Again

The Alternative Solutions Again

Those of you who think they have seen these products in this column before are right - I've been mentioning these and similar items for years. But not everyone who reads this page with their Weeties...
on February 27, 2018
The Charger Of The Light Brigade

The Charger Of The Light Brigade

Half a volt, half a volt, Half a volt onwards... Mine is not to question why... Well actually, it is, and in this case, I quizzed our virtuoso of the voltmeter - Ernest - about the...
on July 03, 2017

" We Don't Talk About that Sort of Thing..."

And yet we should. Everyone who uses a digital camera should feel free to talk about the battery and charger. The new Nikon D7500 is in hand right now - you can come down tom the...
on June 13, 2017

Sony Week - Part One - Lifting the Lid

Opening the box on a new camera is like lifting the lid on either a treasure chest or a can of worms. Don't let that image put you off - it depends if you are fishing...
on March 19, 2017

Gimmee One'a Dem - Part Four - The Nikon D3400 Kit

When we ask people to go out and use mirror-less camera systems on the basis of small size and weight we are sometimes forgetting that if you choose wisely, you can get both small size and...
on February 08, 2017


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