aerial photography

Whose Picture Is This?

Whose Picture Is This?

Well, someone has to ask the awkward questions. They generally choose the most awkward questioner...and in most cases that is me. I asked Denis Glennon and Tony Hewitt about the images that feature in their "...
on September 26, 2018
Come Fly With Them

Come Fly With Them

Good Old Tony - he came though like a champion. On my recent interview with he and Denis Glennon, they painted a vivid word picture of their search for vivid aerial pictures, and he promised to...
on September 23, 2018
Around Our World In 31 Days

Around Our World In 31 Days

In case that sounds like a takeoff on Jules Verne - it was meant to. The world that was circumnavigated by air is Australia and the voyagers were Denis Glennon and Tony Hewitt. Their sponsor was...
on September 23, 2018

Photo Live Expo 2016 - The Flight Of The Drones

Love 'em, hate 'em, or sell 'em, the subject of the drones and aerial photography in general cannot be ignored in today's imaging world. Anyone who has seen television or the cinema recently has seen the...
on July 12, 2016

The Aerial Show And Tell - A Success From Shoot

Yesterday evening our teaching facility - Shoot Photography - played host to Christopher Fulham and a bunch of drones.I hasten to add that I am not describing the staff or clients who attended the lecture -...
on June 16, 2015

The Cold War Heats Up - With Kodak

Relax - no need to go into the fallout shelter just yet. The Russians are only annexing their neighbours and we don't live that near them. Just don't go investing your superannuation in Lomo camera shares....Actually,...
on March 25, 2014


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

