Retro Is As Retro Does

on June 22, 2021
And in some instances it does very well indeed... I use several Fujifilm cameras that are " retro " in design. They do not have fake walnut veneer on the outer surfaces ( haven't looked inside ) but the arrangement of the dials and buttons is pretty similar to what I came to expect in the old film cameras. I am comforted now by this as my eyes and fingers have not changed over the years and are still positioned pretty well where they can take advantage of the controls. I know where to look and where to poke. Those of you who know me will appreciate the effort of self control I am exerting in not using that last line as an opportunity to make terrible jokes. Though, feel free yourselves... Okay, a few years ago Nikon introduced a DSLR called the Df - very much styled to capture the look of their film SLRs. It was a well-equipped device with a good shape and a somehow-familiar feel. The controls were manual in many cases, but subtly duplicated within the digital innards. It was heavy, but comfortingly so, and had a solidity about it that pleased many who remembered the metal cases of previous cameras. It was a little light on battery capacity due to the restrictions of a slim body design - but that may be said about many cameras. Buy two spare batteries and change them regularly... Well, rumours currently wafting hint that Nikon may be coming out with a retro-styled mirrorless camera soon - as a part of their new push in the ML world. Leaked pictures seem to show a film camera-like body wrapped around an APS-C sensor - with the classic Nikon F mount. Whether you will be able to bayonet on older film lenses and the current range of DSLR lenses or a new series of small-sensor Nikon lenses is unclear...but I'm betting that Nikon will opt for the widest inclusivity they can get. Not to put too fine a point to it, there are a LOT of Nikon lenses out there and a lot of people want to use them on their cameras. Give 'em a good opportunity and they reach for their credit cards. If Nikon can keep the dial feel the same for this new little retro - if they can clean up the back panel - if they can think of a good use for the left hand top panel of he camera next to the viewfinder... If they provide a viewfinder ( and put it where we expect to see it )... If they decide to make the body panels out of metal - or at least provide a convincing simulation of chrome... Then a lot of people might be tempted to dig out their older lenses, clap on a new digital body, and start afresh. Add a real leather camera case - full coverage, not just a bucket - and a camera strap that doesn't cut your neck off - and the tourists may flock in the doors again. And our next column will speculate on how we can get even more retro...Mrs. Lot isn't the only person who could look back...

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