You hear me bang on all the time around here about the ergonomics of the cameras and lenses that we sell - sometimes I am less than complementary about the design shape that the manufacturers settle upon. It is a subjective thing - I judge the camera form by what my own hands can hold - by what my own fingers can reach. I have just been reaching for he Panasonic GX7 and I advise some of you to do so too.
It's a micro 4/3 camera like the Olympus. The two manufacturers may be rivals but their lenses can fit each other's cameras to a "tee". The Panasonic is slightly soberer-looking - most of it is black with only a small steel ring trim.
Leaving the external appearance aside, it was the grip and the control position that won me. The battery compartment has been angles and the resultant grip shape that just suited my hand. The knot of control wheels that cluster at the NE corner of the camera are exactly in the right position with enough of a detent to them to keep in the settings you choose.
The viewfinder at the NW corner is adjustable for diopter and angle and features the eye sensor that shuts off the main screen when you put your eye to it.
If you need a waist level finder for discrete street photography or wildflower and nature photography you just slide the screen out flat. Need a fill flash? Poke the flash button and up pops the small flash.
This is a system camera with access to a wide range of lenses with superb optical characteristics. They are none of them arm-breakers. Micro 4/3 equipment is economical in size, weight, and price.
Thoroughly recommended.