No Mo LOMO Sale - Come In Comrades!

on April 07, 2015

Is Camera Electronic calling. Hello.

Is having special sale of Lomo camera and accessory. To be got rid of for making new space.

All new goods. Not sold yet. Now is time to becoming glorious film artist and achieve new heights also new depths.

Lomo can do this to you. I mean for you. Disregard former phrase - all is good.

Now Lomo in special radiation-proof bin at front of store for 50% off. Do not gulag behind - rush in and take advantage of us.

Special recommendation from Central Committee: buy Holga. Holga is good. Holga come in many colours including Red Army Green and Spetznaz Black. Also Glorious Red.

Is Socialist Realism at its best.

PS: we sell film to make for operations with Lomo.


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