Next Size Up. Epson And Fujifilm.

on July 13, 2015

I am going to revise what I say to people here in the shop - particularly in respect of the size of sensor and the size of picture one can make with it.

I base my opinions on what I have done...not on what I have read. Will Rogers would have laughed at me because I am the one who has to test out the electric fence for myself - but in some cases the shock s a pleasant one. So it was today with a trial print done here on our shop Epson Stylus Pro 4900 printer. It has opened my eyes.

The file came as a large jpeg from my Fujifilm X-Pro1 camera and the standard Fujinon 35mm f:1.4 lens. It was taken in bright sunshine at Cusack Road this last Sunday - a little red Model A delivery van done as a mild hot rod. Red? Red as!

Up until now I have advised customers that the most they could expect from APS-C sensors on mirrorless cameras was an A3+-sized print. That indeed was my experience with the last system camera I used, and I accepted it as gospel. If someone wanted bigger prints I advised a bigger sensor.

Not no more. The red Model A picture that came off the Epson this morning is a full A2 size. It's printed on Ilford Smooth Pearl and it is brilliant. Of course part of the secret is that it was taken in RAW on the X-Pro1 and converted through the Silkypix program to a big jpeg. but there is no reason on another occasion not to use the large/fine jpeg setting on the camera itself and just go from there. This would give X-trans users of some of the unique film simulation modes as well

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