Murray Street Colour

on January 12, 2017

I plan to make it a habit to call in at our Murray Street Store - corner of Queen Street - at least once each week. I've learned not to warn the staff exactly when in case they turn off the lights and hide behind the sofa - my relatives do this a lot.

This week's visit revealed lots of new things; an old industrial turntable in the laneway out the back, the new coffee machine works a treat, and there is now some colour in the store. The new cabinets are in and are attracting some pretty bright entries:

a. Leica. Well, Leica is pretty much chrome and black, as you might expect from their history. They do shoot off into bright binoculars occasionally but these are the exception.

But you can always count on Leica for red. The design team that evolved the store displays all over the world were brilliant in translating the red Leica dot that we had become used to seeing into a brand reminder. They adopted that same shade of red and repeated it in the cabinet shelves and linings to draw your eye to the display.

You just can not not see it. You might not be able to afford it...but you know it is there waiting in case your fortunes improve.

Note to the well-heeled: January is a good time to come in and get a couple of dozen cartons of Leica SL cameras for summer parties. Guests appreciate something to do between courses of luncheon and taking pictures is always popular.

b. Olympus. Okay, I defy you to be glum looking at these colourful Olympus binoculars. They are not the largest sizes that Olympus make - it is a firm that can supply quite a variety of optics in various grades - but these small binocs are perfect for pocket or purse.

The colour is the icing on the cake.

c. Fujifilm XP camera. The shape is dictated by the need to make this camera water and shock proof but the colour is just pure art.

Well, no...

On second thought it may also be function. This is an underwater camera and the effect of depth is to make objects look dark blue. The orange may be to counteract this tendency and to make it show up better under the sea. Fujifilm also make a yellow version - this would intensify the effect.

Whatever, it is a camera that can accompany you nearly everywhere and with that bright shell you will be able to find it in you pocket or purse...or glove compartment...easily.

In any case, come into the new store as soon as you can and look for more colour. It's a very nice place to be.

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