I say clambake, because that is essentially what these little gems are - mollusc shells for your photographic gear. You get to keep your pearls safe.
Hardside CS 60 was the one I first picked up and I was immediately impressed with the rigidity of the nylon shell - not stiff and crackable but not floppy either. No idea what it's made of but it looks like it would provide a great deal of shock resistance.

The inside would be perfect for the
Fujifilm X-100F that is their current premium compact camera - the back-to-front dimension of this camera's 23mm pancake lens lets it lie in there with plenty of room. The new
Fujifilm X-100V coming out next year is rumoured to be getting a new lens, so we'll have to see whether or not it will fit. Privately, I think Fujifilm would be very wise to update the close-focusing capability of the lens on this iconic camera, but I really hope they don't change the focal length or the external dimension. If they do fiddle with the focal length let's hope they make a 22mm or 21mm. But this is taking us away from the Lowepro...

Isn't that delightful? Semi-rigid outside and soft padding inside. A net pouch on the upper lid. The dual zippers mean that you can dive into it no matter where you start from.

And the two Hardside cases in the heading image? They are the
CS 40 and
CS 20. - progressively smaller but of the same construction. The little guy even clips on a belt loop. It's for small compact cameras only - the CS 40 is probably good for all the rest of the travel variety.