Fremantle = Portraits = Prizes in 2015

on December 18, 2014

Yes, here it comes again.

Our friend Dale Neille has just alerted us that the Fremantle International Portrait Competition is on again for 2015 - with some bouncing rewards for the best photos. $ 12,000 in cash and material prizes. You can bounce pretty darn good for $ 12,000...

You'll have some time to prepare as the date for the start of entries is set at 15 June, 2015...and the closing date for entries is 15 August 2015.

The best research you can do right now is to go to:

And of course, start hunting down your subjects for your portraiture. With today's high-speed shutters and high ISO digital cameras you won't be restricted to thumbtacking your sitters onto a wooden chair in full sunlight for ten minutes...but it's still a fun idea.

Let's face it, if Fox-Talbot succeeded, so can you.

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