You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know where that came from...nor do you need to be a great detective to locate one of the most useful photo-editing programs on the planet.
I refer, of course, to Adobe's Photoshop Elements.
Let me be frank - I am a biased fan of this program and have been since first starting to convert from analog photography to digital work. I got my first Elements 3 as a free inclusion with a scanner and have since advanced up the numbers to Elements 6. I may - or may not - pop again for a newer version to get even more features. May not? Well, I am so comfortable with the 6 version that I may not want to change.
Photoshop Elements contains many of the 'elements' of the major PS products but has concentrated upon the photo visuals rather than adding the full graphic design capabilities. You can clean, alter, cut, paste, publish your images very easily with this, and to a surprising depth of detail. Text, shapes, graphic features really do exist in the program and are perfect for enthusiastic users. The interface and the tools that are presented for use are a little simpler than that of the PS CS5 but infinitely more usable for that.
Can it do a pro job? I do weddings, studio publicity, montages, and dance shows using it, and the customers pay me money. It hosts several fun plug-in programs that further extend my repertoire, and as it supports my cameras, I can work RAW with ease.
Okay - enough of me - this is an advertisement for the Shoot workshop next door and for Nick Melidonis' workshop course on Photoshop Elements. He's teaching the utility and use of this program over two weeks -Monday 16th of April from 6:30 to 9:30 and then Monday 23rd of April at the same times. The course costs $ 279 and should be very good value for money - this is real practical guidance delivered directly rather than pasted into a book or video - you can ask questions as well as listen and see clear explanations.
Please book for this by either telephoning 9228-8232 or contacting Shoot on: