Car Show Sunday - Father's Day Coming Up - Photo Opportunity

on September 03, 2015

Okay. This Sunday the 6th of September is Father's Day. If you are a father you have certain privileges granted, one of which is to go out to the Hot Rod Show in Fremantle.

It's held at St. Patrick's school grounds between 10:00 and 4:00 and the entry fee for spectators is quite modrate. there is food and drink and cars and sales stalls and a lot of car enthusiasts to talk to. There will be hot rods and custom cars, so you need to take your camera.

A zoom lens is useful, but make it at the wide end of the range - the cars are sometimes parked close together. I'm going to take a 35mm, 18mm and 14mm prime for my Fujifilm X-E2 and set my camera to take a medium 3:2 jpeg and a RAW file. Just for the fun of it I am going to set the X-E2 jpeg film simulation to Classic Chrome ( which is K----chrome but no-one is allowed to say it...) and then see if I would like to do that to the RAW files later in the computer. If the medium jpegs look good and I commit no serious exposure errors I will just use them for my blogging and dump the RAWs. Don't reel back in horror - Fujifilm jpegs are fabulously good just as they are. Get your shot right and it is RIGHT.

Take a flash as well, or at least remember that you have a pop-up flash on your camera. There are a lot of things that look better if you pop some light in there. If it s a cloudy day you'll have saturated colour anyway but if it has sunny patches you might need a fill-flash.

Please don't paw the cars or have your children standing on the running boards. It's not done at car shows and may get you yelled at - and we don't want angry at a Fathers Day event.

Be prepared for some bright paint jobs - rodders and custom car people are not bound by the same commercial tedium that afflicts the current new-car designer - they can think in Technicolour and theatrical stripes. They have given themselves permission to have fun, and you can join in on Sunday.

I'll be there - come over and buy me a coffee and talk nonsense.

Uncle Dick

Heading Photo: The yellow coupe. Nothing you can buy new at a car agency today will make you feel as good as this...


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