Art Wolfe Lectures & Workshops in Australia – March 2012

on October 05, 2011

“Art Wolfe’s photographs are a superb evocation of some of the most breathtaking spectacles in the world.” — Sir David Attenborough

“Art has the broadest range of excellence of any nature photographer I know.” — Galen Rowell

“There’s a stunning clarity and vibrancy in Art Wolfe’s wildlife portraits, which are careful, often haunting, compositions.” — The New York Times Book Review

Over the course of his 30-year career, Art Wolfe has photographed on every continent and in numerous locations. His stunning images interpret and record the world’s fast-disappearing wildlife, landscapes and native cultures, and are a lasting inspiration to those who seek to preserve them all. His photographs are recognized throughout the world for their mastery of color, composition and perspective. His unique approach to nature photography is based on his training in the arts and his love of the environment. I recently photographed with Art in China and my observations on this amazing photographic experience are on Art’s blog: click Art Wolfe’s Blog. The article ‘Photographing China with Art Wolfe’ was published in Better Digital Camera, Australia; to read, click: Photographing China with Art Wolfe.

Iconic Images International has arranged for this world-renowned photographer to visit Australia in March 2012. Following Australia he will present a series of seminars and workshops in South Africa in conjunction with Iconic Images International and C4 Images & Safaris.

In Australia, Art will present a series of public lectures and one-day seminars in Sydney, Melbourne & Perth.


Sydney: – Australian National Maritime Museum Theatre, 2 Murray St., Darling Harbour.

  • Public Lecture on Friday 16th March 2012, 7.00 – 9.30pm
  • Seminar on Saturday 17th March 2012, 9.00am – 4.30pm.
Melbourne: – The Spring Street Conference Centre Theatrette, 1 Spring Street, Membourne
  • Public Lecture on Friday 23th March 2012, 7.00 – 9.30pm.
  • Seminar on Saturday 24th March 2012, 9.00am – 4.30pm.
Perth: – State Library of WA Theatre, 25 Francis Street, Perth.
  • Public Lecture on Friday 30th March 2012, 7.00 – 9.30pm
  • Seminar on Saturday 31st March 2012, 9.00am – 4.30pm.
  • Public Lecture – $95.00
  • Seminar – $395.00
This unforgettable presentation centres on the Himalaya region and reflects Art Wolfe’s most personal statement to date. Between Heaven and Earth is a grand adventure tracing Art Wolfe’s formative years and development as an artist. Following a life-changing experience in Asia, the presentation centers on the Himalaya region of India, China, Nepal and Bhutan – locations that triggered his imagination and wonder towards a path of blending his creativity and art with photography while documenting the wild world. In its entirety, including photographs and video, the lecture will run for over two hours.

If you have associated Art Wolfe solely with nature photography please be prepared for an unforgettable revelation. Drawing from 36 years of international travel, Art Wolfe will delve into a vast range of subjects; from discovering the subject to elements of design and newer works. Imagery of nature, wildlife, and the world’s varied landscapes and cultures will augment the lectures to provide the most comprehensive and imaginative and inspiring photographic tuition available.
Utilizing his formal training as a fine art painter and art education instructor, Art Wolfe will dissect visual image examples and explore in depth what makes a compelling and emotionally engaging photograph.

Attendees will come away inspired and with tangible ideas and approaches for taking their photography to fresh and inspired levels.

The following is a summary of the material Art Wolfe will cover:
-Finding Inspiration
-De-constructing the Image/Point of View
-Ten Deadly Sins of Composition
-My Favorite Lenses/Use of Shutter Speeds
-Elements of Design/Color/Light
-Questions & Answers


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