An Afternoon of Opportunity - Mathias Heng

on June 10, 2012

If you can spare an afternoon - this coming Thursday - and if you are a Leica M user, you have an opportunity to see and work with the best in the business - Mathias Heng.

Mathias is a Leica ambassador, and for a very good reason; he has worked as a photojournalist in some of the world's most stressful situations and he knows how to make a real statement with his Leica camera. He is an ambassador to a very good purpose; to show you what you have in your hands and in your eyes and to help you achieve the same smooth reportage of which he s the master.

He's heading for Melbourne this week but will be in Perth on Thursday the 14th. He will be starting his lecture on the Leica M system at Shoot Workshops - 232 Stirling Street, Perth - sharp on 2:00 PM and will be speaking for about three hours. Then he will conduct a field exercise for the participants, showing them how to approach street photography in falling light - a real on-the-street experience to get the images.

Participants will need one M series Leica camera body and one lens each - if you don't have one, contact our shop beforehand and arrangements can be made. Indeed contact our shop anyway - there will be special deal prices for Leica M for participants on this course.

You won't starve or parch - light refreshments will be provided - and the wealth of knowledge from an expert in the business will be a real boost to any Leica user. This is not anonymous speculation on some internet forum - Mathias is the goods and he 's going to be there to give real information and answers.

It will cost you $99 and you need to RSVP to us at or on 93284405 by 5:00 on Tuesday, 12 June.

The whole afternoon and evening will go from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM but the skills you learn will last a lot longer than that.

Saul has recommended that you look at a video interview with Mathias - go to Youtube at:

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