A Green Light For Your Holidays

on June 10, 2013

So you're going on holiday? You're going to travel? And you want a camera that will take good clear pictures? And you want it to be compact with a real optical viewfinder that you can see through even if it is in the full glare of the sun?

And you want to pay under $ 500?

Have we got the answer for you - if you are quick. We've just got a snip of Fuji X-10 cameras bundled as a package with their fitted leather case for $ 499. This camera is the closest thing to the 35mm compact camera that digital has yet produced - and it has the added fillip of a zoom lens and and a whole fridge of fresh film built in...

The Fuji X-10 has a wonderful section in the menu for film simulation - you can take pictures as if you had Fuji Velvia, Provia, or Astia film. as well as the black and white Acros film. You can switch between films with a button push and you can make the pictures bigger or smaller at will. If you remember the old days when you carried a packet of filters for contrast control in the sky - well you have them built-in.

Does it take a good picture? The heading image is taken with an X-10, as is this one. No special processing - jpeg straight out of the box. It will do RAW files too, but the jpegs are gorgeous just as they are.

Limited number in the shop right now - pop in as fast as you can and pick up the bargain of the season.

PS: If you want a silver one, you'll have to get the new X-20. Bit more money, wonderful camera.


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