The KONO ROTWILD No. 2 Color Negative Film (35mm Roll Film, 24 Exposures) is a unique and innovative film stock designed to add a distinct and creative flair to your...
KONO ORIGINAL SUNSTROKE is an experimental color negative film characterized by its unconventional and surprising bright, warm color palette and light leak effects, reminiscent of a faulty camera. Created by...
KONO ORIGINAL MOONSTRUCK is an experimental color negative film characterized by its unconventional and surprising muted multicolored effect that varies depending on shooting conditions. Created by hand using The Reanimator...
KONO ORIGINAL MONSOON is an experimental color negative film inspired by "the freshness of a post-monsoon rain." Characterized by deep, cool colors and tones, and created by hand using The...
KONO ORIGINAL MIRAGE 200 is an experimental color negative film with two distinct appearances, depending on the shooting conditions. In warm, sunny environments, the film gives a subtle and bright...
KONO ORIGINAL GALAXY is an experimental color negative film characterized by its bright and bursting multicolored effect that varies depending on shooting conditions. Created by hand using The Reanimator device,...
KONO ORIGINAL CANDY 200 is an experimental color negative film producing fun, pinkish hues and candy colors. This film is created by hand, using The Reanimator device, and its unique...
KONO Delight Art II 400 is a color tinted 35mm film for experimental and creative applications. Each handmade roll is carefully tinted in Germany and features a fine grain structure...
KONO Delight Art 100 is a color-tinted color negative film for experimental and creative applications. Each handmade roll is carefully tinted in Germany and features a fine-grain structure with intense...
KONO Delight Art II 400 is a color tinted 35mm film for experimental and creative applications. Each handmade roll is carefully tinted in Germany and features a fine grain structure...
KONO Color 400 Color Negative Film is a modern interpretation of a classic German color negative film and provides excellent tonal range, as well as a wide exposure latitude. This...