You occasionally get fashion pronouncements that decry brown clothing. Or accessories, furniture, or shoes. Ignore these foolish complaints - sophisticated brown tones were the epitome of the Art Deco and streamline eras. They are still elegant.
I have a camera bag made by Barbershop that is a in two brown tones - leather and canvas mixture. It makes everything I tote in it seem better. If I were going on a longer journey, or had more to pack, I would look seriously at the Gitzo backpack seen in the heading image. It is the Legende and it
is a legend.

Think a mirror-less camera body with a medium zoom. Add two more lenses, Add a 15" laptop, sling a Gitzo tripod from the side, add personal items , batteries, accessories.

Heavy? Well it was 1.7 Kg to start with but you've loaded yourself down like a packhorse, so you'll know where your knees are at the end of the day. Next time pack lighter. But consider how good you look and how safe all that gear is right now. The thing is small enough to sling in an aircraft locker, so you will be comforted there. You'll also look a little more elegant than a backpacker if you're bringing equipment to a job. It has little treats inside like the RF protected pocket and my favourite:

The design that lets you close a snap-catch flap by getting your finger under the catch while your thumb presses down. It's a little thing, but you'll love it when you need it.
Be fast - they're on special now at an
incredibly low price.