World Record Paid For Photograph

on December 11, 2014

DP Review has just reported that a fine art photograph produced by Peter Lik has been sold to an undisclosed private buyer for $ 6,500,000.

This gives us all hope that we may, with the proper equipment and opportunity, emulate this success. Unfortunately the report does not state which camera and lens was used, nor the aperture or shutter speed. Apparently the original file is a colour one and has been converted to monochrome for this sale.

The photograph was taken in Arizona in a place called Antelope Canyon. It shows sunlight filtering down through what may be dust or smoke. Or it could be from some form of vapour rising from the sand floor of the canyon. Unfortunately the highlight that shows the floor of sand is so bright that it obscures whatever is lying there - hard to tell what might be releasing the vapour.

Perhaps there had been a recent visit from antelopes. Or zebras.

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